Harms of Some Allopathic Drugs

According to Traditional Sri Lankan Medical system (TSM) which originated about 5000 years ago, diabetes is a curable disease provided that the correct medicine is given at the correct time. If one fails to give correct medicine in time it is said that diabetes becomes incurable.

The most commonly used western drugs are isn’t the correct drug for diabetes according to TSM. True it controls your sugar level temporarily. But it causes reduction of remaining insulin secreting ability of your pancreas.

Following is a Pubmed link of a research article done on mice to find out the true effect of these medicine on the mammalian pancreas. And the results are shocking. cells+impairs+their+glucose+responsiveness+and+can+lead+to+apoptosis

We wish to demonstrate the results simply for the sake of the common reader.

1) After a 24 hours exposure to just 130 milligrams of this medicine,  blood sugar reducing hormone secreting beta cells of pancreas showed a reduced these hormones secretion in response to 1800 milligrams of glucose.

2) After a 3 days exposure to just 130 milligrams of this medicine, nearly 40 per cent of these hormone secreting beta cells were found dead.
This is why your western doctor has to keep on increasing the dose of this medicine every time you complain “doctor my sugar levels are now high”. It keeps getting worse until all your pancreatic beta cells are dead and gone and you are left with the only choice of these blood sugar reducing hormone injecting  from outside.

Harms of injecting these sugar reducing hormone :

These injection is life saving in an emergency. But irrational use and chronic use can be very harmful to the human body. Following is another Pubmed link of a very recent research article done to find out the harmful effects of these injections .

It concludes the following.

In people with type 2 diabetes, these injection was associated with an increased risk of diabetes-related complications, cancer, and all-cause mortality.

Traditional Sri Lankan Medicine – ayurveda (TSM) re-grow your pancreas

As mentioned above, according to TSM diabetes is a curable disease. If you come to us without too much of this drug and this injection, we will definitely cure you. We have tons of patient records to prove the efficacy of TSM ayurveda and the harms of western synthetic medicine.

What we do under TSM ayurveda is we regenerate these sugar reducing hormone secreting beta cells in your pancreas. And we prove it by observing the gradual buildup of fasting serum this sugar controlling hormone  levels and serum c-peptide levels.

During our line of treatment, we help you get rid of these medicine and I injection. That is our priority number one.

Even if you are a patient who was on these medicine for 10 to 15 years (the point at which we suspect that your diabetes is incurable), with TSM we guarantee the best possible management of your disease offering you a 100 per cent quality of life improvement.

Rich Sri Lankan Traditional Healing Methods For Travelers

We normally travel for joy, for adventures, for experience and leisure. But what if we could travel to find a cure to a disease? What if alternative medicine bear secrets to cure the most deadliest diseases such as diabetes, cancer, etc?

Having a 5000 year old traditional medical system, Sri Lanka is one of the front running countries of alternative and natural medicine. We as Sri Lankan traditional doctors have recognized the importance of sharing the rich Sri Lankan traditional healing methods with travelers from around the world. This new concept called “Wellness Tourism”.

It has been a trend for a traveler to get into a spa and get a full body massage when ever they visit an Asian country. That’s because they have felt the difference of it compared to a ready made pill prepared by a western pharmaceutical company. But what they don’t know is, that massage at a spa is just a drop of water compared to the ocean of secrets hidden within the alternative medical system to cure many deadly diseases.

Unfortunately, the pharmacopoeia which plays the upper hand in the world health care sector at the moment have blinded us to believe in every word they say to run a monopoly on those who are chronically ill and helpless. Western pharmacopoeia isolate drug compounds and patent them to earn billions forgetting the importance of synergism of a few natural herbs working together to cure a disease without side effects.

​To my knowledge, since isolation of active ingredient of a biochemical compound is the basis behind western pharmaceutical industry,  ​But you may wonder if western drugs save lives or not. Yes they do save lives on acute and urgent occasions. But longer use of western drugs on chronic illnesses does deteriorate your health and quality of life.acute and urgent occasions.

​But above all, with our meaningful collaboration you will receive the luxury of curing your disease while you inspire the natural beauty of Sri Lanka.

A Message From Dr.B.A Rathnapala – Ayurvedic Medical Practitioner

Dr. B. A. Rathnapala

Traditional Diabetologist.

D.A.M.S (Sri Lanka)

Former President adviser to the Ministry of Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka.

Former adviser to the Minister of Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka.


Is Diabetics Fully Curable?

Diabetes indeed is a fully curable. To my knowledge and without a doubt, our treatment produce our own blood sugar reducing hormone.

We check serum blood sugar reducing hormone levels before and after our treatment and show the progress. In humans the natural  level of this hormone is between 6 and 28. Like I said earlier, those who come to us with a this hormone level below 6, produce satisfactory and significant amounts of this hormone after our treatment.

What we do is scientific. I don’t think anyone else on earth could do what I do. Yes I reproduce and regenerate our own(endogenous) blood sugar reducing hormone with my treatment. Ok, having this hormone reproduced is one factor. Other factor is Digestion. We don’t actually think digestion plays a major role in diabetes.

But good digestion, good stool formation and good bowel habits are a must CURE diabetes. If someone’s digestion is malfunctioning, we correct it too. Without correcting digestion, you can’t CURE diabetes.

Next most important factor is the Diet. We never talk about diet control. What we say is what is “good” and what is bad “bad” for your diet. We don’t say “Eat two slices of bread” Neither we say “Eat five string hoppers”. This dietary science is there even in Lord Buddhas’ teachings. The dietary advice given to patients by allopathic doctors are a neglect to Buddhism too. What we say is to focus on your dinner. Dinner should comprise only of starch free vegetables. That’s what we say.

In Ayurveda literature, what does it say about curing diabetes?

“Charaka”, a leading ayurvedic physician who lived thousands of years ago in India said that there are 20 types of Diabetes. He also said that only 10 types out of that 20 can be cured. But I don’t believe in his theory. I believe in the theory of “Sushrutha”.

“Sushrutha” is also the father of modern surgery and ayurvedic surgery. “Sushrutha” said that all 20 types of diabetes can be CURED if the right medicine was given at the right time before it too late. He stated this thousands of years ago.

So does this mean that we are not giving the right medicine at the right time for diabetes at present ?

Yes indeed. We are NOT giving the right medicine for diabetes at all. The allopathic doctors are giving some medicines harm for the blood sugar reducing hormone producing cells in the pancreas. Research articles call it Beta cell ( blood sugar reduce  producing cells) Apoptosis. Apoptosis means programmed cell death.

What is this harm due to this allopathic drug  you accuse of ?

But aren’t some research articles state that  this drug is helpful?

True, there is a debate. There is a debate about the actions of the mechanism invliving AMP kinase which is activated by this  western medicine. Therefore some researchers believe that it is not so. But I saw that those who come to me after taking this drug had a very low serum blood reducing hormone level. Therefore I believe that this drug is harmful and must be stopped before I start my treatment plan.

OK, Lets leave aside the fact that UKPDS trial supports the use of this drug for diabetes.And Yet is there a clue indicating the loss of bodily  sugar blood reducing hormone due to this drug in the UKPDS trial papers?

The UKPDS trial done in the UK clearly states that this drug is the best drug to lower blood sugar levels. Even I agree with that. But please closely observe this chart of figure 3 from UKPDS article 34.


So, is there a use of lowering blood sugar if this drug destroys remaining bodily blood sugar reducing hormone the long run?

How can even I cure diabetes, if natural bodily blood sugar reducing hormone lost?

Therefore could those who say this drug is the best drug, please tell me if I’m wrong?

We know that allopathic doctors inject blood sugar reducing medicine their patients. What is your comment on that? And What is new about this injection resistance?

Sometime back, according to modern medicine, this injection resistance was known to be a pathology for type 2 Diabetes. But now, it is not so. According to a review article published in the scientific journal “ The Lancet” in 2013.

This blood sugar reducing hormone resistance is now known as a bodily protective mechanism, that prevents entry of nutrition overload into cells.

Can you elaborate a little more?

Yes, this hormone resistance is a protective mechanism. Function of this hormone is putting blood sugar into cells. But our own endogenous  this hormone does not enter sugar into ANY CELL at random. In fact, endogenous this hormones sugar to liver, to fat tissues or to skeletal muscle cells where it can be properly metabolized or stored.

OK, it’s clear that endogenous  this hormone direct blood sugar towards places where it should go.

But tell us doctor, what happens if we inject  this hormone from outside?

But when you inject it from outside, it will override the protective mechanisms and push blood sugar in to cells at random. This random entry of high amounts of sugar is said to harm most vulnerable cells like heart muscle cells causing a Metabolic cardiomyopathy. And finally the heart fails.

Doctor, you said that injected  hormone is harmful for the kidneys too. How do you prove it?

When a patient on injected this hormone comes to me, I will check for urine protein and micro albumin before I start my treatment. And after my treatment which includes withholding of this injection, the patient will clearly see that his urine protein and micro album levels have gone significantly down. The situation is the same with eGFR. (estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) Even if you e GFR is 15 or less, if you stop ithis injection with my treatment intact, you will see that your eGFR will increase significantly allowing you to be dialysis-free for the rest of your life.

By withholding this drug, injected this  hormone and Cholesterol lowering drugs I will increase your eGFR and decrease your Serum Creatinine levels. Stopping these drugs with a proper supportive alternative treatment will save lives. And that’s fact.

“The Lancet” journal stated that injected this hormone can cause a metabolic cardiomyopathy. In addition, do you say this injection can cause a metabolic nephropathy too.

This injection affects the heart and cause Metabolic Cardiomyopathy. When this injection affects the kidney, it cause Metabolic Nephropathy. Same thing happens when this injection affects nerves, And it cause Metabolic neuropathy. We all must understand this vacious cycle. And it all start with this drug.

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